Joan Morrison

Lady smiling black and white

Joan Morrison has 25 years of experience in the Not For Profit Sector. She has a passion for working with people and is naturally drawn to youth of all ages. She has helped create, implement, and lead programs as an Executive Director, Manager, Trainer, and Coach. Her experience includes capital projects, board development, community outreach, strategic planning, staff and volunteer development. She has her BA in Human Services from Western Washington University. She enjoys collaborating with other organizations to ensure all youth and families can thrive as we share resources and community.  Joan is excited to join Clothes For Kids, where her talents will help drive and make a difference “one wardrobe at a time”.

In her spare time you can find Joan with her husband Sean and daughter Autumn camping, playing outside, being creative or connecting with friends. They have three fury family members Rizzo, Blue and Chip who often accompany them on outings.